Wrocławski Teatr Pantomimy

The Wrocław Pantomime Theatre was founded in 1956. The founder and the artistic director was Henryk Tomaszewski. The individuality of the creative and highly precise vision of director Tomaszewski attracted crowds of young and talented artists. It is the only repertory ensemble pantomime theatre. A place for exploring new movement forms, creating fictional pantomime performances, a space for theatre education, and an exchange of critical thought.

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The Wrocław Pantomime Theatre was founded in 1956. The founder and the artistic director was Henryk Tomaszewski. The individuality of the creative and highly precise vision of director Tomaszewski attracted crowds of young and talented artists. It is the only repertory ensemble pantomime theatre. A place for exploring new movement forms, creating fictional pantomime performances, a space for theatre education, and an exchange of critical thought.


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