United Puppets

Under United Puppets, theatrical productions of Melanie Sowa and Mario Hohmann are concentrated in different casts. Common for almost all productions is the work in the field of tension between puppetry and acting as well as the continuous redefinition of this border. The results are own or commissioned productions for adults, adolescents and children, mostly as a touring theater. The field of work extends from directing, unit development, production management, doll building and workshops.

Про United Puppets

Under United Puppets, theatrical productions of Melanie Sowa and Mario Hohmann are concentrated in different casts. Common for almost all productions is the work in the field of tension between puppetry and acting as well as the continuous redefinition of this border. The results are own or commissioned productions for adults, adolescents and children, mostly as a touring theater. The field of work extends from directing, unit development, production management, doll building and workshops.

Жанри: Маріонетки, Alternative, Інші фестивалі, Puppenbau


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