Місце проведення закрито: Teatr Scena Prezentacje
Teatr Scena Presentacje was founded 25 years ago by Romuald Szejd, who until today is the director of the theater. Scene Presentations is located in the former Platinum Works of Norblin. The theater has two stages: The Main - located in the former cleaner and Shed - a small stage, located in a separate building built especially for the needs of the theater
Електронна пошта
Театральна програма
Опис місця
Teatr Scena Presentacje was founded 25 years ago by Romuald Szejd, who until today is the director of the theater. Scene Presentations is located in the former Platinum Works of Norblin. The theater has two stages: The Main - located in the former cleaner and Shed - a small stage, located in a separate building built especially for the needs of the theater