Studio Ypsilon

Studio Ypsilon Prague – theatre legend in the heart of Prague. The Theatre Studio, with more than fifty years of tradition, which affects the Czech theatre history and the present. We're looking at everything else, with humor, dignity and grace. In its permanent Ensemble there are a number of prominent personalities, among others, Martin Dejdar, Jiri Labus, Pavel New, Jan Jiráň, Jana Synková, Jaroslav Kretschmerová, Petr Vacek and many others.


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Опис місця

Studio Ypsilon Prague – theatre legend in the heart of Prague. The Theatre Studio, with more than fifty years of tradition, which affects the Czech theatre history and the present. We're looking at everything else, with humor, dignity and grace. In its permanent Ensemble there are a number of prominent personalities, among others, Martin Dejdar, Jiri Labus, Pavel New, Jan Jiráň, Jana Synková, Jaroslav Kretschmerová, Petr Vacek and many others.


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