Poetika is a bistro/ coffee/ viticulture/ hotel in the heart of Prešov with a varied menu of food, coffee and special wines. The atmosphere and design of its premises easily make the visitor feel relaxed and at ease. On the cozy terrace, Poetika offers a selection of events such as poetry readings, concerts, discussions, celebrations and more. After such a busy evening, it is possible to stay in one of the exclusive apartments, which are part of the Poetika.
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Poetika is a bistro/ coffee/ viticulture/ hotel in the heart of Prešov with a varied menu of food, coffee and special wines. The atmosphere and design of its premises easily make the visitor feel relaxed and at ease. On the cozy terrace, Poetika offers a selection of events such as poetry readings, concerts, discussions, celebrations and more. After such a busy evening, it is possible to stay in one of the exclusive apartments, which are part of the Poetika.