Nová scéna Národního divadla

A theatre building constructed in 1983, a stage with a specific dramaturgy. Laterna magika, Opera, Ballet and Drama performances and a number of other original projects.

In January 2010 after two decades of the Laterna Magika the New Stage become a part of the National Theatre. Old-new theatre space is now a celebration of a theatre in all its forms. While the New Stage scene is an open platform for a variety of theatrical genres, from drama to modern dance, the building itself is gradually changing into a living organism accessible to the public.

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Батьківське місце

Театральна програма

Опис місця

A theatre building constructed in 1983, a stage with a specific dramaturgy. Laterna magika, Opera, Ballet and Drama performances and a number of other original projects.

In January 2010 after two decades of the Laterna Magika the New Stage become a part of the National Theatre. Old-new theatre space is now a celebration of a theatre in all its forms. While the New Stage scene is an open platform for a variety of theatrical genres, from drama to modern dance, the building itself is gradually changing into a living organism accessible to the public.


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