Muzeum Kanału Bydgoskiego

Museum of the Bydgoszcz Canal - is located in a nineteenth-century outbuilding located in the courtyard of III LO, about 80 meters north of the historic channel in Bydgoszcz. The museum exhibits photos and exhibits of the Bydgoszcz Canal, work, navigation and everyday life going on along the canal. The exhibition includes, among others, an exhibition entitled Bydgoszcz Canal, a copy of the painting by Christian Rode "Frederick the Great watching the plans of the Bydgoszcz Canal", uniforms of sailors and skippers of inland navigation, a hamburger - a rowing oak boat from 1920, which sailed on the Brda and the canal in the second half of the 20th century, as well as items related to the work of boatmen and other people associated with inland sailing. The Bydgoszcz Canal Museum also conducts educational activities, museum lessons on the history of the Bydgoszcz Canal and shipping in Bydgoszcz.

Електронна пошта

Актуальні вистави в музеї

Опис місця

Museum of the Bydgoszcz Canal - is located in a nineteenth-century outbuilding located in the courtyard of III LO, about 80 meters north of the historic channel in Bydgoszcz. The museum exhibits photos and exhibits of the Bydgoszcz Canal, work, navigation and everyday life going on along the canal. The exhibition includes, among others, an exhibition entitled Bydgoszcz Canal, a copy of the painting by Christian Rode "Frederick the Great watching the plans of the Bydgoszcz Canal", uniforms of sailors and skippers of inland navigation, a hamburger - a rowing oak boat from 1920, which sailed on the Brda and the canal in the second half of the 20th century, as well as items related to the work of boatmen and other people associated with inland sailing. The Bydgoszcz Canal Museum also conducts educational activities, museum lessons on the history of the Bydgoszcz Canal and shipping in Bydgoszcz.


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