Miloš Alexander Bazovský Gallery

The Miloš Alexander Bazovský Gallery in Trenčín is the only art gallery in the founding area of the Trenčín self-governing region. In the gallery you can find a permanent exhibition composed of a selection of works by Miloš Alexander Bazovský. There are brief information texts about the life and work of the author, enriched with photographs from the painter's private archive. The exhibition presenting important painters of the Trenčín region (from the end of the 19th century to 1920) will also attract the attention of fans of regional fine arts. The largest exhibition area of the gallery consists of variable exhibitions. Individual projects are concentrated in the exhibition halls on the first and second floors of the gallery.

Електронна пошта

Актуальні виставки в галереї

Опис місця

The Miloš Alexander Bazovský Gallery in Trenčín is the only art gallery in the founding area of the Trenčín self-governing region. In the gallery you can find a permanent exhibition composed of a selection of works by Miloš Alexander Bazovský. There are brief information texts about the life and work of the author, enriched with photographs from the painter's private archive. The exhibition presenting important painters of the Trenčín region (from the end of the 19th century to 1920) will also attract the attention of fans of regional fine arts. The largest exhibition area of the gallery consists of variable exhibitions. Individual projects are concentrated in the exhibition halls on the first and second floors of the gallery.


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