Little Berlin
Little Berlin is an independent cultural center in the historic center of Trnava. It is part of the Nádvorie complex, which also includes several award-winning gastronomic establishments, coworking and, in particular, an exceptional public space. Little Berlin is a member of Antény - the network for independent culture and Trans Europe Halles, the largest pan-European network of cultural and creative centers. The Little Berlin Cultural Center is a project of the civic association
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Опис місця
Little Berlin is an independent cultural center in the historic center of Trnava. It is part of the Nádvorie complex, which also includes several award-winning gastronomic establishments, coworking and, in particular, an exceptional public space. Little Berlin is a member of Antény - the network for independent culture and Trans Europe Halles, the largest pan-European network of cultural and creative centers. The Little Berlin Cultural Center is a project of the civic association