Lil Tracy
Jazz Butler has performed under many aliases, but is best known as Lil Tracy. Hip-hop is literally in his blood, as he is the son of Ishmael Butler (Digable Planets, Shabazz Palaces) and Coco Clemons (SWV). He was part of the Thraxxhouse collective and later formed his own project GothBoiClique with some of its members. He has collaborated extensively with Lil Peep, and as a duo, they have released numerous singles and the EPs Castles and Castles II. His extensive discography of over 10 years consists of many popular tracks: Sinner, Tracy's Manga, XOXO and Life of a Popstar. The single Like a Farmer, meanwhile, lived to see viral success, resulting in a Lil Uzi Vert remix.
Про Lil Tracy
Jazz Butler has performed under many aliases, but is best known as Lil Tracy. Hip-hop is literally in his blood, as he is the son of Ishmael Butler (Digable Planets, Shabazz Palaces) and Coco Clemons (SWV). He was part of the Thraxxhouse collective and later formed his own project GothBoiClique with some of its members. He has collaborated extensively with Lil Peep, and as a duo, they have released numerous singles and the EPs Castles and Castles II. His extensive discography of over 10 years consists of many popular tracks: Sinner, Tracy's Manga, XOXO and Life of a Popstar. The single Like a Farmer, meanwhile, lived to see viral success, resulting in a Lil Uzi Vert remix.