Kavárna Čas

On the corner of U luzickeho Seminare and Míšeňské stands the former Palace, previously was the highest in the area, so he says "high House". In his premises was already from the twenties of the last century operated a restaurant. We decided to build on this tradition and in 2004 opened a café. The name of the Cafe was founded thanks to the TIME the exhibition hours.

When you walk along the Small Side here you can enjoy a coffee and dessert, but also beer and snacks. All this at very reasonable prices. After agreement it is possible to organize exhibitions, celebrations or meetings.

In warm days You are welcome under the open sky, on our quiet courtyard.


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Опис місця

On the corner of U luzickeho Seminare and Míšeňské stands the former Palace, previously was the highest in the area, so he says "high House". In his premises was already from the twenties of the last century operated a restaurant. We decided to build on this tradition and in 2004 opened a café. The name of the Cafe was founded thanks to the TIME the exhibition hours.

When you walk along the Small Side here you can enjoy a coffee and dessert, but also beer and snacks. All this at very reasonable prices. After agreement it is possible to organize exhibitions, celebrations or meetings.

In warm days You are welcome under the open sky, on our quiet courtyard.


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