Hot Chip
London band Hot Chip its history began at the start of the current millennium. On his account has since scored a number of LPs, decent cord short recordings and dozens of remixes from artists as diverse as M.IA., Bright Eyes and Queens of the Stone Age. Already on the first release, it was clear that the main part of the attention on himself deducted vocal lines of both frontmen. Contrast dialogue among seemingly obvious falsetto Alexis Taylor (upomínajícím the glory bards like Jeff Buckley or Nick Drake) and life seems unavenějším, monotónnějším style Joe Goddard, which interleaves album creates an interesting tension. This underlines the electroacoustic music on the edge of melancholy pop and playfulness.
Про Hot Chip
London band Hot Chip its history began at the start of the current millennium. On his account has since scored a number of LPs, decent cord short recordings and dozens of remixes from artists as diverse as M.IA., Bright Eyes and Queens of the Stone Age. Already on the first release, it was clear that the main part of the attention on himself deducted vocal lines of both frontmen. Contrast dialogue among seemingly obvious falsetto Alexis Taylor (upomínajícím the glory bards like Jeff Buckley or Nick Drake) and life seems unavenějším, monotónnějším style Joe Goddard, which interleaves album creates an interesting tension. This underlines the electroacoustic music on the edge of melancholy pop and playfulness.