Galeria Leto

The Leto Gallery is a major player on the Polish contemporary art scene. The rich and inter­na­tio­nal pro­gramme of the gallery’s acti­vity sur­pas­ses the con­fi­nes of media and trends, set­ting itself on the boun­dary between modern art and music. Through the pro­gramme dra­wing exten­si­vely on the various fields of art and the com­plex cura­to­rial care it pro­vi­des, Leto show­ca­ses the cut­ting edge phe­no­mena of modern art, con­so­li­da­ting their place on the inter­na­tio­nal art scene.

Електронна пошта

Актуальні виставки в галереї

Опис місця

The Leto Gallery is a major player on the Polish contemporary art scene. The rich and inter­na­tio­nal pro­gramme of the gallery’s acti­vity sur­pas­ses the con­fi­nes of media and trends, set­ting itself on the boun­dary between modern art and music. Through the pro­gramme dra­wing exten­si­vely on the various fields of art and the com­plex cura­to­rial care it pro­vi­des, Leto show­ca­ses the cut­ting edge phe­no­mena of modern art, con­so­li­da­ting their place on the inter­na­tio­nal art scene.


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