Édith Piaf

Edith Piaf was one of the most popular singers 40th and 50 years and is famous for its strong and urgent voice emotional concerts. Her songs in themselves bear the sadness of unfulfilled longing for love and happiness. Edith Piaf grew up on the streets of Paris in poverty. Beginning of the 30 years, but she noticed Leplée promoter Louis, who gave her name Piaf - The Little Sparrow. Her greatest fame came after the 2nd World War II when he pushed through in America with the song Le Vie en Rose. Edith Piaf's most famous songs became not another song, and it is non ne regrette rien.


Про Édith Piaf

Edith Piaf was one of the most popular singers 40th and 50 years and is famous for its strong and urgent voice emotional concerts. Her songs in themselves bear the sadness of unfulfilled longing for love and happiness. Edith Piaf grew up on the streets of Paris in poverty. Beginning of the 30 years, but she noticed Leplée promoter Louis, who gave her name Piaf - The Little Sparrow. Her greatest fame came after the 2nd World War II when he pushed through in America with the song Le Vie en Rose. Edith Piaf's most famous songs became not another song, and it is non ne regrette rien.


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