
Decad is a not-for-profit art space in Berlin which takes as its focus the reciprocity between contemporary art and critical discourse within the public sphere. With this purview, a particular emphasis is placed on socially and critically engaged art practices, understood as following in the lineage of postminimalism, institutional critique and art-in-public-space.

Located in Kreuzberg, at Südstern, Decad hosts an active programme of artist talks and critical lectures, produces exhibitions by visiting curators and artists, and maintains a growing research library and archive. The library offers a collection of texts on the sociopolitical significance of visual culture. Intended for art historical research, it is open to any interested reader upon appointment. Decad's archive comprises documentary materials of works realized in public space as well as editioned works produced in connection with performance-based works of public art. These various departments of Decad's broader project look to the distinct productions of visual culture and social space, considering their mutual influence.

Decad was founded in 2012 by the artist Rachel Alliston. In 2014, as an extension of Decad's parameters, Alliston established Press LMP, a publishing house dedicated to critical writing on contemporary art. Press LMP publishes both open-access digital and limited print editions in the formats of essay collection, exhibition catalogue and monograph.

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Опис місця

Decad is a not-for-profit art space in Berlin which takes as its focus the reciprocity between contemporary art and critical discourse within the public sphere. With this purview, a particular emphasis is placed on socially and critically engaged art practices, understood as following in the lineage of postminimalism, institutional critique and art-in-public-space.

Located in Kreuzberg, at Südstern, Decad hosts an active programme of artist talks and critical lectures, produces exhibitions by visiting curators and artists, and maintains a growing research library and archive. The library offers a collection of texts on the sociopolitical significance of visual culture. Intended for art historical research, it is open to any interested reader upon appointment. Decad's archive comprises documentary materials of works realized in public space as well as editioned works produced in connection with performance-based works of public art. These various departments of Decad's broader project look to the distinct productions of visual culture and social space, considering their mutual influence.

Decad was founded in 2012 by the artist Rachel Alliston. In 2014, as an extension of Decad's parameters, Alliston established Press LMP, a publishing house dedicated to critical writing on contemporary art. Press LMP publishes both open-access digital and limited print editions in the formats of essay collection, exhibition catalogue and monograph.

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