Byt Huga Semlera

Apartment Hugo Semlera (Sale 19) in a large apartment of businessman Hugo Semlera on the first floor of his house in Klatovy in today's class of 19 days maintaining the dining room, salon and lounge music, originating in the period 1931-33. Just a music lounge is proven to Loosovou work, two additional rooms were built in the loosovském style. During the second world war was the Interior used as military commander of the city of Pilsen Office Georg von Majewskeho, who after the surrender in May 1945. After the end of the war until 1993 used the House including the Interior of Adolf Loos. The House, with interiors by Adolf Loos so far waiting for restoration, and is inaccessible to the public.

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Apartment Hugo Semlera (Sale 19) in a large apartment of businessman Hugo Semlera on the first floor of his house in Klatovy in today's class of 19 days maintaining the dining room, salon and lounge music, originating in the period 1931-33. Just a music lounge is proven to Loosovou work, two additional rooms were built in the loosovském style. During the second world war was the Interior used as military commander of the city of Pilsen Office Georg von Majewskeho, who after the surrender in May 1945. After the end of the war until 1993 used the House including the Interior of Adolf Loos. The House, with interiors by Adolf Loos so far waiting for restoration, and is inaccessible to the public.


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