Amphitheater in Płock

The amphitheatre in Plock is an amphitheatre located in the landslide niche of the Vistula escarpment in Plock. It is the original work of three Płock architects Czesław Korgul (chief architect), Ignacy Bladowski and Henryk Sęczykowski. It was created in the 1960s. The design was done socially, as was all the other work on the building.

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The amphitheatre in Plock is an amphitheatre located in the landslide niche of the Vistula escarpment in Plock. It is the original work of three Płock architects Czesław Korgul (chief architect), Ignacy Bladowski and Henryk Sęczykowski. It was created in the 1960s. The design was done socially, as was all the other work on the building.


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