Tenacious D

Tenacious D is a comedic rock band consisting of Kyle Gass and Jack Black. Both are musicians as well as actors. They formed the band together in 1994. They were discovered during a live performance and from that date until 2000 in the sketch comedy television series Mr. Show on. They released the debut album Tenacious D in 2001, followed by The Pick of Destiny (2006). In 2018 Post-Apocalypto was published.

Info o Tenacious D

Tenacious D is a comedic rock band consisting of Kyle Gass and Jack Black. Both are musicians as well as actors. They formed the band together in 1994. They were discovered during a live performance and from that date until 2000 in the sketch comedy television series Mr. Show on. They released the debut album Tenacious D in 2001, followed by The Pick of Destiny (2006). In 2018 Post-Apocalypto was published.

Žánre: Rock

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