
Taxmeni country is the Czech military group, who for more than three decades of its existence, has achieved a leading position in the country music scene. For the first time gave themselves much know at the 60 and 70 years of the twentieth century. First began to form his repertoire singing melodies on traditional American country music, over time, their own creation and expression worked out up to countryové modern, and even her and the entire genre, enriched the specific so-called military-style country music.

Info o Taxmeni

Taxmeni country is the Czech military group, who for more than three decades of its existence, has achieved a leading position in the country music scene. For the first time gave themselves much know at the 60 and 70 years of the twentieth century. First began to form his repertoire singing melodies on traditional American country music, over time, their own creation and expression worked out up to countryové modern, and even her and the entire genre, enriched the specific so-called military-style country music.

Žánre: Country

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