Poppy Ackroyd
In the turmoil of the Hidden sound Orchstra Poppy's Ackroyd must carve out my place, solo is born in London and in Edinburgh, established éteričtější and experimental musician. Songs from her debut album issued in the home, of course, Escapement brand Denovali Records is exclusively on the manipulated sound of the violin and piano. In addition to the delicate tunes under her hands in changing the traditional tools of percussion. The delicate mood but otherwise resemble the piano masters of minimalism as Max Richter or Nils Frahm. On the current Board of Feathers into the cocktail even Ackroyd přimíchala strings and electronic keyboard instruments and there is a growing feeling the influence of Scottish folk music.
Info o Poppy Ackroyd
In the turmoil of the Hidden sound Orchstra Poppy's Ackroyd must carve out my place, solo is born in London and in Edinburgh, established éteričtější and experimental musician. Songs from her debut album issued in the home, of course, Escapement brand Denovali Records is exclusively on the manipulated sound of the violin and piano. In addition to the delicate tunes under her hands in changing the traditional tools of percussion. The delicate mood but otherwise resemble the piano masters of minimalism as Max Richter or Nils Frahm. On the current Board of Feathers into the cocktail even Ackroyd přimíchala strings and electronic keyboard instruments and there is a growing feeling the influence of Scottish folk music.
Klasická, Elektronika, Experimental, Ambient