Petr Nikl
Petr Nikl, painter, musician, photographer and theater. Member of art group Tvrdohlaví. In 1995 he was awarded a Henry Chalupecký. Published author of the book of fairy tales, dedicated to artistic and theatrical performances. Works with various theater orchestras and with individuals. I like singing and dancing. A group of miserly Launches won the 2004 Golden Angel in the category of alternative music.
Info o Petr Nikl
Petr Nikl, painter, musician, photographer and theater. Member of art group Tvrdohlaví. In 1995 he was awarded a Henry Chalupecký. Published author of the book of fairy tales, dedicated to artistic and theatrical performances. Works with various theater orchestras and with individuals. I like singing and dancing. A group of miserly Launches won the 2004 Golden Angel in the category of alternative music.