Pet Shop Boys

Pet Shop Boys was founded in 1981 to Neil Tennant and Christopher Lowe. Their common love for the syntezátorovému and the diskotékovému primarily sound led to a lifelong collaboration. Commercially successful was their first single "West End Girls. Overall, it sold over 100 million copies, and to their great old are Always On My Mind, a New York City Boy or Go West.


Info o Pet Shop Boys

Pet Shop Boys was founded in 1981 to Neil Tennant and Christopher Lowe. Their common love for the syntezátorovému and the diskotékovému primarily sound led to a lifelong collaboration. Commercially successful was their first single "West End Girls. Overall, it sold over 100 million copies, and to their great old are Always On My Mind, a New York City Boy or Go West.


Žánre: Pop, Dance, Elektronika

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