Nowa Huta Museum
The Museum of Nowa Huta is a branch of the Cracow Museum, located in the former Światowid cinema in Nowa Huta. On the one hand, this branch will be a continuation of the History of Nowa Huta branch - the previous activities and exhibition cycles will be conducted in the Museum of Nowa Huta, on the other hand, it will be an extension of the former branch by events and exhibitions aimed at the history of the People's Republic of Poland and the Cold War.
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Popis miesta
The Museum of Nowa Huta is a branch of the Cracow Museum, located in the former Światowid cinema in Nowa Huta. On the one hand, this branch will be a continuation of the History of Nowa Huta branch - the previous activities and exhibition cycles will be conducted in the Museum of Nowa Huta, on the other hand, it will be an extension of the former branch by events and exhibitions aimed at the history of the People's Republic of Poland and the Cold War.