Muzeum Těšínska

Museum of the Těšín region is one of four regional museums and contributory organisations of the Moravian-Silesian region. Housed in Český Těšín and Cieszyn Silesia in the Czech part of the region has a total of 10 branches and exhibition halls. His study is also part of the library of the Museum of Těšín Silesia and the Club. Its activities focus on the Muzeum Těšínska is rich in history, natural science and vlastivědu the region.


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Popis miesta

Museum of the Těšín region is one of four regional museums and contributory organisations of the Moravian-Silesian region. Housed in Český Těšín and Cieszyn Silesia in the Czech part of the region has a total of 10 branches and exhibition halls. His study is also part of the library of the Museum of Těšín Silesia and the Club. Its activities focus on the Muzeum Těšínska is rich in history, natural science and vlastivědu the region.
