Miejskie Centrum Kultury

Miejskie Centrum Kultury is the largest and most important city cultural institution in Bydgoszcz, dealing with culture in an interdisciplinary way. The institution's program consists of a professional team of specialists in such fields as music, theater, film, literature, art, dance, new media and culture animation. Among them are professional, valued filmmakers, poets, writers, artists and art theorists. The team is managed by director Marzena Matowska. The Municipal Culture Center is an interdisciplinary center for popularizing culture in all its manifestations and disciplines. Every month, over 100 different activities take place here, from small workshops to spectacular concerts.

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Miejskie Centrum Kultury is the largest and most important city cultural institution in Bydgoszcz, dealing with culture in an interdisciplinary way. The institution's program consists of a professional team of specialists in such fields as music, theater, film, literature, art, dance, new media and culture animation. Among them are professional, valued filmmakers, poets, writers, artists and art theorists. The team is managed by director Marzena Matowska. The Municipal Culture Center is an interdisciplinary center for popularizing culture in all its manifestations and disciplines. Every month, over 100 different activities take place here, from small workshops to spectacular concerts.


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