Galerie Vltavín

The auction house Vltavín Ltd. of its activities has expanded the activities of the Gallery of Moldavite, which on the Czech art scene there since 1991, when it was founded as a space for the presentation of contemporary Czech art, later also of modern art 20. of the century. It is focused not only on the Czech authors, but also on the European representatives of the major artistic currents.


Aktuálne výstavy v galérii

Popis miesta

The auction house Vltavín Ltd. of its activities has expanded the activities of the Gallery of Moldavite, which on the Czech art scene there since 1991, when it was founded as a space for the presentation of contemporary Czech art, later also of modern art 20. of the century. It is focused not only on the Czech authors, but also on the European representatives of the major artistic currents.


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