Galerie KIN jídelna

Gallery CINEMAS dining room is located in the premises of the factory Koh-i-noor in the Vršovice, Prague in the area still operating canteens.

The gallery focuses on the presentation of artistic works, which will be issued for a period of two months on the stage wall 231,5 x 209 cm above the window of the dining room, where a distribution originally hung a picture of the view of factory building by Charles Fox, which was stolen in 2010.

The art work in the Gallery space, CINEMA dining room is accessible to the public at the time of the opening, and then only for the dining room, Diners.


Aktuálne výstavy v galérii

Popis miesta

Gallery CINEMAS dining room is located in the premises of the factory Koh-i-noor in the Vršovice, Prague in the area still operating canteens.

The gallery focuses on the presentation of artistic works, which will be issued for a period of two months on the stage wall 231,5 x 209 cm above the window of the dining room, where a distribution originally hung a picture of the view of factory building by Charles Fox, which was stolen in 2010.

The art work in the Gallery space, CINEMA dining room is accessible to the public at the time of the opening, and then only for the dining room, Diners.


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