Galerie Judin

David Nolan and Juerg Judin launched their Berlin gallery with an exhi­bi­tion of Alexan­der Ross draw­ings in May 2008. This exhi­bi­tion was pre­sented in what is by now one of Berlin’s most acclaimed new build­ings: Die Tankstelle, a converted petrol sta­tion from the early 50s. Since then Nolan Judin relocated to the museum-like qual­ity of the Tagesspiegel’s for­mer print­ing hall in Potsdamer Strasse - with high ceil­ings and day­light through­out - proved as irre­sistible as the cen­tral loca­tion in close prox­im­ity to the Neue Nation­al­ga­lerie and some of Berlin’s best commer­cial gal­ler­ies.

The program focuses on artists that are accomplished draugh­ts­men, painters and sculptors. The gallery brings together estab­lished artists with younger, aspir­ing artists. Rep­re­sent­ing the estate of George Grosz, a tow­er­ing fig­ure of 20th century art, brings a historic dimen­sion to the gallery’s program. David Nolan and Juerg Judin con­tinue to publish books — monographs on Adrian Ghenie’s paint­ings, George Grosz’ Amer­ican Years and Eugen Schönebeck’s oeuvre on paper being amongst the most recent.

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David Nolan and Juerg Judin launched their Berlin gallery with an exhi­bi­tion of Alexan­der Ross draw­ings in May 2008. This exhi­bi­tion was pre­sented in what is by now one of Berlin’s most acclaimed new build­ings: Die Tankstelle, a converted petrol sta­tion from the early 50s. Since then Nolan Judin relocated to the museum-like qual­ity of the Tagesspiegel’s for­mer print­ing hall in Potsdamer Strasse - with high ceil­ings and day­light through­out - proved as irre­sistible as the cen­tral loca­tion in close prox­im­ity to the Neue Nation­al­ga­lerie and some of Berlin’s best commer­cial gal­ler­ies.

The program focuses on artists that are accomplished draugh­ts­men, painters and sculptors. The gallery brings together estab­lished artists with younger, aspir­ing artists. Rep­re­sent­ing the estate of George Grosz, a tow­er­ing fig­ure of 20th century art, brings a historic dimen­sion to the gallery’s program. David Nolan and Juerg Judin con­tinue to publish books — monographs on Adrian Ghenie’s paint­ings, George Grosz’ Amer­ican Years and Eugen Schönebeck’s oeuvre on paper being amongst the most recent.


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