
Cari Elise Fletcher, better known by her pseudonym Fletcher, embodies a young, self-confident woman who consistently goes her own way. Whether as an actress or a singer, in both fields she addresses the thoughts of young women between ex-friends, the #Metoo debate and a search for their own identity. And with growing success: After the first singles and her debut EP Finding Fletcher, which already appeared in 2016, her first international success single was released at the beginning of this year with the thrilling song Undrunk.

Info o Fletcher

Cari Elise Fletcher, better known by her pseudonym Fletcher, embodies a young, self-confident woman who consistently goes her own way. Whether as an actress or a singer, in both fields she addresses the thoughts of young women between ex-friends, the #Metoo debate and a search for their own identity. And with growing success: After the first singles and her debut EP Finding Fletcher, which already appeared in 2016, her first international success single was released at the beginning of this year with the thrilling song Undrunk.

Žánre: Pop, Folk

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