FHXB Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Museum

The FHXB Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Museum hosts an extensive archive about the history of the two Berlin districts, rotating, temporary exhibitions and a permanent exhibition about city development and migration history. It is located in the district Kreuzberg.

Since January 2012, the FHXB museum shows the exhibition "ortsgespräche. stadt - migration - geschichte: vom halleschen zum frankfurter tor“ that deals with the history of certain, ordinary places at the district as places of migration in the second and third floor. But also in the rotating special exhibitions about the regional history migration ist thematized and treated as an important part of the city development and history.

The special location of Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain, situated directly at the Berlin wall, and the fusion of the former East and West districts are subjects of the exhibitions.

At the ground floor of the five floor building there is a historic typesetting works and printery that is used for students’ workshops and evening classes. Besides, the museum organizes pedagogical events for children, adolescents and adults as well as thematically city tours.

For young people, there’s the X-Berg days, during which adolescents from the district, partly with migration background, guide visitors through the museum and the neighborhood.

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The FHXB Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Museum hosts an extensive archive about the history of the two Berlin districts, rotating, temporary exhibitions and a permanent exhibition about city development and migration history. It is located in the district Kreuzberg.

Since January 2012, the FHXB museum shows the exhibition "ortsgespräche. stadt - migration - geschichte: vom halleschen zum frankfurter tor“ that deals with the history of certain, ordinary places at the district as places of migration in the second and third floor. But also in the rotating special exhibitions about the regional history migration ist thematized and treated as an important part of the city development and history.

The special location of Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain, situated directly at the Berlin wall, and the fusion of the former East and West districts are subjects of the exhibitions.

At the ground floor of the five floor building there is a historic typesetting works and printery that is used for students’ workshops and evening classes. Besides, the museum organizes pedagogical events for children, adolescents and adults as well as thematically city tours.

For young people, there’s the X-Berg days, during which adolescents from the district, partly with migration background, guide visitors through the museum and the neighborhood.
