Diecézní muzeum brněnského biskupství
The museum offers guided tours over churches in Brno and educational programs for children. It opens normally inaccessible areas such as crypts, bell tower, etc for public. The most popular destination is clearly Saint Peter and Paul's Cathedral. The permanent exhibition contains of exhibits about various parts of Jesus' s life - Nativity, From the Annunciation to Baptism, Preaching the Kingdom of God, From the Last Supper to the Mount of Olives, Passion, the Resurrection, the Descent of the Holy Spirit. These are mainly paintings, sculptures, exhibits from churches and parishes.
Aktuálne výstavy v múzeu
Popis miesta
The museum offers guided tours over churches in Brno and educational programs for children. It opens normally inaccessible areas such as crypts, bell tower, etc for public. The most popular destination is clearly Saint Peter and Paul's Cathedral. The permanent exhibition contains of exhibits about various parts of Jesus' s life - Nativity, From the Annunciation to Baptism, Preaching the Kingdom of God, From the Last Supper to the Mount of Olives, Passion, the Resurrection, the Descent of the Holy Spirit. These are mainly paintings, sculptures, exhibits from churches and parishes.