Com Truise

Com is a truism of American one-man project of Seth Haley, who surfs the musical wave of retro synths osmdesátkové aesthetics and compact cassettes. After the enthusiastically received debut EP Cyanide Sisters of Discs AM DIY label in 2010, it undertook Ghostly International label, which released the EP again and also took charge of the Galactic Melt-length album, which came out last April for the cheers of fans and music critics.

Info o Com Truise

Com is a truism of American one-man project of Seth Haley, who surfs the musical wave of retro synths osmdesátkové aesthetics and compact cassettes. After the enthusiastically received debut EP Cyanide Sisters of Discs AM DIY label in 2010, it undertook Ghostly International label, which released the EP again and also took charge of the Galactic Melt-length album, which came out last April for the cheers of fans and music critics.

Žánre: Alternatíva/Indie, Elektronika, Funk

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