
The New York band Battles, belonged to the first group, the life, the electronic label Warp Records has produced electric guitars. Battles in a unique manner provázali rhythmic experiments coming from the minimalism of Steve Reich, citing the math-rock or post-rock. Lavish debut plate EP C/B EP in 2006, which brought a compilation of all the previous EP, caused a small revolution in the music scene. According to many music was nejhypnotičtější turn of the Millennium.

A real penetration from the underground up to stage the biggest festivals but met up with the album Battles Mirrored, released in 2007. The Group opted for a fairly radical change of sound and reflected in its vibrant tracks twisted and variously modulated vocals. The result was sharply original and lush album that rozbouralo the annual rankings of the most prestigious magazines in the head with the NME, Time or The Guardian newspaper. I zmínený magazine Pitchfork ranked this time Mirrored even in the list of the best boards throughout the Decade.


Info o Battles

The New York band Battles, belonged to the first group, the life, the electronic label Warp Records has produced electric guitars. Battles in a unique manner provázali rhythmic experiments coming from the minimalism of Steve Reich, citing the math-rock or post-rock. Lavish debut plate EP C/B EP in 2006, which brought a compilation of all the previous EP, caused a small revolution in the music scene. According to many music was nejhypnotičtější turn of the Millennium.

A real penetration from the underground up to stage the biggest festivals but met up with the album Battles Mirrored, released in 2007. The Group opted for a fairly radical change of sound and reflected in its vibrant tracks twisted and variously modulated vocals. The result was sharply original and lush album that rozbouralo the annual rankings of the most prestigious magazines in the head with the NME, Time or The Guardian newspaper. I zmínený magazine Pitchfork ranked this time Mirrored even in the list of the best boards throughout the Decade.


Žánre: Rock

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