Aula UAM
Aula of the University. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan – neo-Renaissance building erected between 1905-1910 according to the design of Edward Fürstenau, together with the adjoining the north side of Collegium Minus for the Royal Academy. On May 7, 1919 in inaugurowała its activities Wszechnica Piastowska-later the University of Poznań, from 1955 that occurs after the name of the University. Adam Mickiewicz. In addition, the Hall also benefits from the Poznań University, Medical University. University of Poznan.
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Aula of the University. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan – neo-Renaissance building erected between 1905-1910 according to the design of Edward Fürstenau, together with the adjoining the north side of Collegium Minus for the Royal Academy. On May 7, 1919 in inaugurowała its activities Wszechnica Piastowska-later the University of Poznań, from 1955 that occurs after the name of the University. Adam Mickiewicz. In addition, the Hall also benefits from the Poznań University, Medical University. University of Poznan.