Water in the landscape
Water in the landscape
Water in the landscape
Water in the landscape
Water in the landscape
Water in the landscape
Water in the landscape

Water in the landscape

Water as the foundation of life, water as a landscaping element in all its forms, water as an element tamed, serving people: this exhibition offers countless perspectives of water in the landscape, in rivers, in human life. The dominant feature of the exhibition is a plastic model of the Czech Republic where water stories are projected: the main pond systems, river basins, and watersheds are revived, explaining the real causes and patterns of floods in contrast to the driest regions of the Czech Republic and the reasons why. Although we are rich in water resources, we are as drought-threatened as the whole planet.

In glass cylinders, visitors can try out the different features and tasks of water in the landscape - the power of water, iniltration, but also how we handle it and how we consume it. Interactive glass “books” through which we browse information about water as the basis of life, the cycle of water in nature and the healing water of mineral springs. All thematic areas of the exhibition focus primarily on the role of the individual, who can positively or negatively influence the management of water, water resources, and the use of its energy.

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