Valentino 45

Born Berliner, grown up on a staple diet of Beatles and Stones, enjoying bits of pop-rock, synth wave and rap in the late 80s. He was truly stuck in the "older the better" frame of mind until he moved to England, where throughout the 90s he got addicted to funk and disco. He has been living in Berlin since, playing gigs at smaller and bigger venues.

O Valentino 45

Born Berliner, grown up on a staple diet of Beatles and Stones, enjoying bits of pop-rock, synth wave and rap in the late 80s. He was truly stuck in the "older the better" frame of mind until he moved to England, where throughout the 90s he got addicted to funk and disco. He has been living in Berlin since, playing gigs at smaller and bigger venues.

Gatunki: Elektroniczna, Funk, Disco


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