Small Stage DJKT

The small stage of the JK Tyl Theatre (The Black Box) is a space for chamber and club performances. Variable seating options and a very intimate distance between the audience and the actors support an atmosphere and unique situations. Modern dramas and authorial fairy tales, chamber ballets and operas, all this at your fingertips. The small stage is rather an alternative space and therefore does not require a formal dress code.

Aktualny program spektakli teatralnych

Opis miejsca

The small stage of the JK Tyl Theatre (The Black Box) is a space for chamber and club performances. Variable seating options and a very intimate distance between the audience and the actors support an atmosphere and unique situations. Modern dramas and authorial fairy tales, chamber ballets and operas, all this at your fingertips. The small stage is rather an alternative space and therefore does not require a formal dress code.


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