Russel E.L. Butler

Russell has been making waves in the Bay Area music scene for years. His project Black Jeans evoked the emotional and physical qualities of minimal synth and electronic body music to transport listeners to hidden and forgotten sonic landscapes. For the past few years he has been making a brand of stripped down machine techno that has evolved rapidly with each successive release. Transplantation, evolution, and healing are themes in Russell's music. He based his 2015 album, God is Change, on Octavia Butler's Parable series of novels, in which these are central tenets of the philosophy that the books explore. Since its release God is Change has received major acclaim, with NPR naming it one of their top 10 favorite electronic albums of 2015. In 2016, Russell released Visions of the Future on Jacktone Records, which is a collection of improvised modular synthesizer sessions. A month later, Russell's follow up to God is Change, The First Step, was released on Black Opal.

O Russel E.L. Butler

Russell has been making waves in the Bay Area music scene for years. His project Black Jeans evoked the emotional and physical qualities of minimal synth and electronic body music to transport listeners to hidden and forgotten sonic landscapes. For the past few years he has been making a brand of stripped down machine techno that has evolved rapidly with each successive release. Transplantation, evolution, and healing are themes in Russell's music. He based his 2015 album, God is Change, on Octavia Butler's Parable series of novels, in which these are central tenets of the philosophy that the books explore. Since its release God is Change has received major acclaim, with NPR naming it one of their top 10 favorite electronic albums of 2015. In 2016, Russell released Visions of the Future on Jacktone Records, which is a collection of improvised modular synthesizer sessions. A month later, Russell's follow up to God is Change, The First Step, was released on Black Opal.

Gatunki: Elektroniczna, House, Techno


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