
Felix Blume, known as Kollegah, is a German rapper who publishes on his own music label Alpha Music Empire.

His rapping technique is heavily based on gangsta rap, but especially in the beginning of his career he frequently referred to his personal rapping style as "Zuhälterrap" (pimp rap). Kollegah is known for his punchlines, double time-ability, complex and polysyllabic rhyme-structures.

O Kollegah

Felix Blume, known as Kollegah, is a German rapper who publishes on his own music label Alpha Music Empire.

His rapping technique is heavily based on gangsta rap, but especially in the beginning of his career he frequently referred to his personal rapping style as "Zuhälterrap" (pimp rap). Kollegah is known for his punchlines, double time-ability, complex and polysyllabic rhyme-structures.

Gatunki: Rap


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