Haus am Lützowplatz

The Haus am Lützowplatz is an exhibition centre for contemporary art in the Berlin district Tiergarten. In 1961 the foundation Verein Förderkreis Kulturzentrum Berlin e.V. was founded in the neobarock building from 1873. The foundation’s goal was to give new impulses to Berlin’s cultural life. It was founded by leading social democrats and metal trade unionists of West-Berlin. In 1963 the foundation purchased the building and opened exhibiting spaces for contemporary art. Since 1992 the Haus am Lützowplatz is being managed by the artist Karin Pott.

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Opis miejsca

The Haus am Lützowplatz is an exhibition centre for contemporary art in the Berlin district Tiergarten. In 1961 the foundation Verein Förderkreis Kulturzentrum Berlin e.V. was founded in the neobarock building from 1873. The foundation’s goal was to give new impulses to Berlin’s cultural life. It was founded by leading social democrats and metal trade unionists of West-Berlin. In 1963 the foundation purchased the building and opened exhibiting spaces for contemporary art. Since 1992 the Haus am Lützowplatz is being managed by the artist Karin Pott.
