Galerie Září

September Gallery is full of contemporary jewelery. The project originated more than a year since the initial phase, initiated by jewelery designer Marcela Steffanová, through many planes. The result is a creative Holešovický space, which will set the tempo of former classmates - students prof.VKNováka Lhotská Elizabeth, Margaret Noise, Iveta Mulačová and Zuzana Babková together with the sculptor Michaela Bachoríkovou of the University of Ostrava.


Aktualne wystawy w galerii

Opis miejsca

September Gallery is full of contemporary jewelery. The project originated more than a year since the initial phase, initiated by jewelery designer Marcela Steffanová, through many planes. The result is a creative Holešovický space, which will set the tempo of former classmates - students prof.VKNováka Lhotská Elizabeth, Margaret Noise, Iveta Mulačová and Zuzana Babková together with the sculptor Michaela Bachoríkovou of the University of Ostrava.


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