Temporary Structures 4
Temporary Structures 4
Temporary Structures 4
Temporary Structures 4
Temporary Structures 4
Temporary Structures 4
Temporary Structures 4

Temporary Structures 4

Michal Novotný, Marek Pokorný, Nathalie Hoyos a Rainald Schumacher (office for Art)

The fourth stage of Temporary Structures, with artists creating the gallery’s support facilities, has Estonian artist Marge Monko made a project consisting of the presentation site (display) following up the installation created by Wesley Meuris. This time, the decorative-conceptual element of the interior (decor) consists of videos and a mobile three-dimensional object from the Deutsche Telekom collection.

Artists: Marge Monko a autoři ze sbírky Deutsche Telekom: Pavel Braila, Šejla Kamerić, Ali Kazma, Sükran Moral, Ciprian Muresan, Vlad Nanca, Roman Ondák, Agnieszka Polska, Tobias Putrih

The exhibitions run throughout the period of PLATO’s activity in the building on Janáčkova St. 22 (former Bauhaus store), only the decor part (presentation of works from the Deutsche Telekom collection) lasts until 31 March, 2019.