Saturday Bazaar – Live Performance Bazaar Residencies
Saturday Bazaar – Live Performance Bazaar Residencies
Saturday Bazaar – Live Performance Bazaar Residencies
Saturday Bazaar – Live Performance Bazaar Residencies
Saturday Bazaar – Live Performance Bazaar Residencies
Saturday Bazaar – Live Performance Bazaar Residencies
Saturday Bazaar – Live Performance Bazaar Residencies

Saturday Bazaar – Live Performance Bazaar Residencies

CZK 50–250
English friendly
Takes place during

The Saturday Bazaar has become such an essential part of the programme that it has transformed into a festival within a festival. Newcomers and regulars alike can look forward to the Live Performance Bazaar Residencies showings on Saturday 23 March in their home venue, Prague’s progressive Alfred ve dvoře Theatre.

Visitors will be able to catch a glimpse of extracts from works currently being made by dance and theatre artists based in Central Europe. It’s a direct and relevant dialogue with emerging art, which, in many cases, has yet to encounter an audience. Audiences, and their sensitive perception of what’s going on both above and below the surface, are necessary for the continued development of such works. Two Czech and two international groups, working with widely varied content and approaches will be featured. Stimulating moderated discussions will offer spectators an opportunity to reflect further on these provocative, surprising and fresh excerpts.

Daniela Komędera & Dominik Więcek (PL): Ship to wreck
National Performance Art Theatre Collective (HU): Miss Hungary
Roman Poliák & Antonie Rašilovová (CZ): Backdoors to Prague Castle
Yana Reutova & coll (CZ/UA): Womenhood

While Poles Daniela Komędera & Dominik Więcek are preparing to totally commit to becoming Florence Welch from Florence + The Machine and ballet dancer Sylvie Guillem, Hungarians Noémi Szántusz, Zsófia Rebeka Kozma, and Mikolt Tózsa try to live the Hungarian dream (Or is it just a game? If so what’s the prize?). Slovak Roman Poliak and Czech Antonie Rašilovová’s performance research is into journalism– the courageous practice of radical journalism as a civic gesture. Ukrainian dancemakers Yana Reutova and Nika Horiacha and Czech violinist Jana Kubanková take inspiration from a meeting with special Brazilian guest Clara de Costa, exploring how women can weave their own narratives, and identity.

The selected projects are part of the Live Performance Bazaar Residencies programme with financial support from the European Union.
The Saturday Bazaar program will take place in English.