After receiving widespread recognition for books like How Does He Do It? and Glorious Misunderstandings, Maurits Verwoerd decided to start a career as a music producer. Though few doubted his skills as an artist, most of Maurits’ neighbours thought differently about his compositions, forcing him to start producing music in the underground dungeons of Amsterdam. Coming out occasionally, but only at night, slowly made him well known among friends and enemies as Nachtbraker (Dutch for night hawk). Nachtbraker’s exposure to a wide range of genres is clearly audible in his music, ranging from ecstatic slow grooves and unconventional dub tracks to straight-up 4/4 house.
About Nachtbraker
After receiving widespread recognition for books like How Does He Do It? and Glorious Misunderstandings, Maurits Verwoerd decided to start a career as a music producer. Though few doubted his skills as an artist, most of Maurits’ neighbours thought differently about his compositions, forcing him to start producing music in the underground dungeons of Amsterdam. Coming out occasionally, but only at night, slowly made him well known among friends and enemies as Nachtbraker (Dutch for night hawk). Nachtbraker’s exposure to a wide range of genres is clearly audible in his music, ranging from ecstatic slow grooves and unconventional dub tracks to straight-up 4/4 house.
Electronic, House, Deep House