Lea Petříková, Maro Hajrapetjan: The Festival of an Invisible Film
Lea Petříková, Maro Hajrapetjan: The Festival of an Invisible Film
Lea Petříková, Maro Hajrapetjan: The Festival of an Invisible Film
Lea Petříková, Maro Hajrapetjan: The Festival of an Invisible Film
Lea Petříková, Maro Hajrapetjan: The Festival of an Invisible Film
Lea Petříková, Maro Hajrapetjan: The Festival of an Invisible Film
Lea Petříková, Maro Hajrapetjan: The Festival of an Invisible Film

Lea Petříková, Maro Hajrapetjan: The Festival of an Invisible Film

The Festival of an Invisible Film is a research-educational platform, a procedural project of curators Lea Petříková and Maro Hajrpetjan focusing on the invisibility of circumstances in the creation and spreading of picture in motion. By transferring the film event itself to the gallery space, Lea relativizes the very essence of film as an invisible medium, materialised only at the moment of projection. The roots and the main inspriation for the festival itself leans on the lost film Le Magicien by Alice Rahon. The film is about a nuclear catastrophe survivor, a wizard, who was given the task of creating a new world. The exhibition iteself could be viewed from outside through the windows of the Pragovka Gallery (Foyer)

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