Ivo Jahelka
Folk singer Ivo Andrew J is known as the singing lawyer. Graduated from the Faculty of law at Charles University in Prague and gained the title JUDr. He began to know who specialises in setting different court cases and all sorts of curious stories from everyday life. Since 1978 lives in Jindřichův Hradec, is a lawyer. Prepared in cooperation with the enlightening series on THU justice Neznalost neomlouvá.
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About Ivo Jahelka
Folk singer Ivo Andrew J is known as the singing lawyer. Graduated from the Faculty of law at Charles University in Prague and gained the title JUDr. He began to know who specialises in setting different court cases and all sorts of curious stories from everyday life. Since 1978 lives in Jindřichův Hradec, is a lawyer. Prepared in cooperation with the enlightening series on THU justice Neznalost neomlouvá.