Iam Oskar
Iam Oskar, real name Oskar Hubáček, is a rapper from Brno.
In the beginning, music for him was more like an escape from himself, over time it developed into a part of him, without which, according to two words, he could not be now. Although he is mainly guided by himself in music, he takes inspiration from performers who put their emotions first, such as Yung Lean, Lil Peep, Bring Me the Horizon or Linkin Park.
About Iam Oskar
Iam Oskar, real name Oskar Hubáček, is a rapper from Brno.
In the beginning, music for him was more like an escape from himself, over time it developed into a part of him, without which, according to two words, he could not be now. Although he is mainly guided by himself in music, he takes inspiration from performers who put their emotions first, such as Yung Lean, Lil Peep, Bring Me the Horizon or Linkin Park.