Dzieci na walizkach: Od państwa pomocniczego do prywatyzacji nieuprzywilejowanego dzieciństwa
Dzieci na walizkach: Od państwa pomocniczego do prywatyzacji nieuprzywilejowanego dzieciństwa
Dzieci na walizkach: Od państwa pomocniczego do prywatyzacji nieuprzywilejowanego dzieciństwa
Dzieci na walizkach: Od państwa pomocniczego do prywatyzacji nieuprzywilejowanego dzieciństwa
Dzieci na walizkach: Od państwa pomocniczego do prywatyzacji nieuprzywilejowanego dzieciństwa
Dzieci na walizkach: Od państwa pomocniczego do prywatyzacji nieuprzywilejowanego dzieciństwa
Dzieci na walizkach: Od państwa pomocniczego do prywatyzacji nieuprzywilejowanego dzieciństwa

Dzieci na walizkach: Od państwa pomocniczego do prywatyzacji nieuprzywilejowanego dzieciństwa

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In Poland, more than 60,000 children are raised outside their families of origin, the majority of whom have an unregulated legal situation: their parents' parental authority is limited or suspended, but they are not deprived of it. The role of the state in relation to the family is subsidiary, auxiliary – the state is supposed to support the family, but not relieve parents of their responsibility towards their children, including the responsibility for their care and upbringing. In public opinion polls, more than 80 percent of Polish women and men express the belief that the family is the most important value in life, necessary for self-fulfillment.

At the same time, in 2019 the number of children covered by the Blue Card procedure due to domestic violence against them was 11,787, of which only 2.4 percent of minors in this group were secured outside the family as a result of police intervention. So what is the relationship between the child, the adult caregiver and the state in contemporary Poland? Where are the boundaries between the family as a private space, where the right to respect for family and private life is realized, and the autonomy of the child – a citizen entitled to protection from the state represented by public institutions? What is the modern family and in what modalities can it function: genetic compatibility, biological continuity, social function, emotional relationship? Finally: what do the practices of state intervention in the family look like and what status is given to children in these practices? Are they in them subjects, citizens, biological property or perhaps mobile objects?

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