Art Is Here: New Art
Art Is Here: New Art
Art Is Here: New Art
Art Is Here: New Art
Art Is Here: New Art
Art Is Here: New Art
Art Is Here: New Art

Art Is Here: New Art

Pražák Palace – 1st floor
Ondřej Chrobák, Jana Písaříková, Petr Ingerle

The permanent exhibition brings selected chapters and stories of art after 1945. Its axis is made up of the art collection and archive of Jiří Valoch – a key personality in cultural Brno and beyond. The exhibition documents the ground-breaking exploits of new art and will map out its local developments and international outreach.

Jiří Valoch acted as the central node in an art network of Czech and foreign artists such as Dalibor Chatrný, Radek Kratina, Jiří Hynek Kocman, Dick Higgins, Ben Vautier, Heinz Gappmayr, Imre Bak, Dora Maurer and many others. Remarkable evidence of the rich mutual contacts - established and maintained in spite of the sealed borders – is the Invisible Sculpture by Joseph Beuys, which he sent to Jiří Valoch in the form of a picture postcard at the end of 1979. The title of the permanent exhibition itself: Art is Here was taken from the postcards which Valoch would send to his friends.

The exhibition is spread over twelve rooms on the first floor of the Pražák Palace. The dominant attraction is a room with a chute. To the exhibition room showing the work of Dalibor Chatrný visitors can slide from a re-hung permanent exhibition of Modern Art on the second floor. Other rooms present post-surrealist works, land-art realizations and geometrical abstractions. A separate room is dedicated to text installations by Jiří Valoch, which he used to place directly on the walls of galleries. Another room faithfully reconstructs the situation in his flat overflowing with art. The exhibited artists will include Milan Knížák with his post-modern furniture and collages from vinyl records. Space will also be provided for the work of Marian Palla featuring his processual paintings on display together with the photographic documentation of their origins in the studio on Kotlářská St.

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