24K is a South Korean boy group formed under Choeun Entertainment in 2012. They debuted on September 6, 2012 with the mini album Hurry Up. The current lineup consists of Cory, Sungoh, Kisu, Jeonguk, Hui, Changsun, Jinhong, and Hongseob. On August 11, 2016 Sungoh and Daeil did not participate for their single, "Still 24K". Hongseob and Changsun were brought in as backup members to remain as a seven-member group instead
About 24k
24K is a South Korean boy group formed under Choeun Entertainment in 2012. They debuted on September 6, 2012 with the mini album Hurry Up. The current lineup consists of Cory, Sungoh, Kisu, Jeonguk, Hui, Changsun, Jinhong, and Hongseob. On August 11, 2016 Sungoh and Daeil did not participate for their single, "Still 24K". Hongseob and Changsun were brought in as backup members to remain as a seven-member group instead